Langsung ke konten utama


Berdiri disini sendiri
Bahwa kau tlah pergi
Meninggalkan hati ini
Yang tak pernah terobati

Andai saja kau tau
Ku tak bisa relakanmu
Pergi menjauh
Dari duniaku

Banyak kenangan
Yang tak bisa terlupakan
Hanya sebuah keterpurukan
Tangisan dan penyesalan

Andai semua bisa ku ulang
Ku tak akan menyia-nyiakanmu
Begitu sabarnya kau
Begitu tersiksanya kau
Entah bagaimana nasibku

Ku hanya bisa menangisi
Keadaan yang kujalani
Terimalah dia
Ampunilah dia
Jangan kau hukum dia
Bukan salah dia,,

Maafkan aku
Ku telah menyia-nyiakanmu
Selama hidupmu
Hukum sajalah aku

Kaulah salju
Penyejuk hatiku…

published in different platform and language


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Barefoot Days

Hellow, Rin,  Have you fallen in love with yourself recently? You know, you know, it's not a must, a necessary instead. There are some people, new people, coming in that could be your new fresh problems, tho. However, I know you are being aware of those things, I know it. I see you are smiling more to yourself in front of the mirror, that used to be your enemy every single time you do your skincare routine, I smell those nice shampoo from your hair and your perfume everytime you are going out, even on your own. You don't like wearing the watch your dad bought it for you just because you don't wanna feel too much sweat on your skin. You do wear it now. Understanding yourself is a never ending saga you have in life, but you're preparing and learning how to do it. I wanna give you a big applause for that. Like the song from D.O. and Wonstein, "I'm gonna love you". I know you are preparing and fixing yourself from the inside.  That's a good good, keep goin

October is Coming

I'm going to be older in several days, a week specifically, and I wanna dump lots of thoughts I have in mind,.. and heart. So, I'm turning 27 this October, the same date as Lay EXO's birthday (fangirling mode on). I feel like I have learned lots but none at the same time. Every time I discover or meet someone new, I realize I haven't learned enough about life and about myself.  I was growing up without knowing that it's okay for me to show the variety of emotions I experienced just because there's no validation of me being sad or mad. Being grateful is nice but it should be done enough. I kept getting ignored by people around me for everything I said and told because it was me. Double standard. I had tried telling that I was in pain, I was uncomfortable maintaining relationship with some people, I wanted to go somewhere, I dreamed of having that kind of trip with the whole family, or just simply hung out with my friends. The reason was the same because it was me

Leaving 2022 and Starting 2023

As soon as I publish this, I hope that what I am writing here is sincerely from me. To end this year, I want to invite myself to tell more truths about myself that I have never realized before. The first thing is trying to accept that I am not the main lead on my stage. Not yet. It is because I still prioritize others in the very first place. I am accepting it now and will always be accepting it as if it is my fate. It feels like I have to work harder than what I am doing now as a cameo in my scene. It is so far from the finish line. I feel that way until I want to finish the life I have faster. The next thing is realizing that the sentence in my mind, "You are the only one who can give the satisfying love and care you deserve. So, do it harder and better.", is true. There is no one, including my own family, who can accept me inside out. There is no one, except my God, who can know and understand better the sincerity I have and give. It hurts, at first, when I realize my own